Cultivate Connection

  • 11.09.2023

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Cultivate Connection

Thursdays Time: 6-8

Dates: Oct 12- Dec 14

CULTIVATE CONNECTION COURSE Parenting can be challenging, overwhelming, and lonely. Join this course to find the community and support you need, right where you are. You’ll have space to breathe, find some joy, and feel more empowered to meet daily challenges. Cultivate Connection is a peer to peer parenting course facilitated BY parents FOR parents! The purpose is to empower parents and caregivers to be confident, calm, curious, compassionate and connected. The training focuses on a wide range of topics, including: -The impact of a person’s history -What parents bring to the parent-child relationship -The fundamentals of attachment -The impact of stress on behavior -The importance of meeting a child’s sensory processing, nutritional and other physiological needs.

Pricing: $120- The One-Household CC Ebook and Childcare for 9 Sessions (valued price $320).

$230- One copy of Printed CC Handbook and one e-book and childcare for 9 sessions (valued price $379)

  • Time : 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (America/Los_Angeles)

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